Dark Spots? These 6 Med Spa Treatments can help

dark spots these 6 med sa treatments can help


Are you concerned about dark spots on your skin? If so, you’re not alone. Many people suffer from this condition, which can be caused by a number of factors, including sun damage, aging, and certain medical conditions. Thankfully, there are a number of Med Spa treatments that can help diminish the appearance of dark spots. In this blog post, we’ll share 6 of the most effective treatments available.

1. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a non-invasive laser treatment that can improve the appearance of dark spots on your skin. It works by targeting and destroying the melanin cells responsible for the darkness. The intensity of the light pulses is customized to each patient’s needs, ensuring optimal results with minimal discomfort.

During IPL therapy, certain wavelengths of light are used to specifically target hyperpigmented cells and break down the melanin in them. This process helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots over time as well as even out skin tone overall. IPL also stimulates collagen production in your skin, which can help reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging on your face.

IPL therapy is a safe and effective treatment for those looking to quickly diminish stubborn dark spots. While it can take up to 4 sessions before you start seeing results, most patients see an improvement after just one session. In addition, there’s often no downtime associated with IPL treatments—patients can typically resume their normal activities immediately following their appointment, though the dark spots will flake off for several day following the service.

With IPL therapy, you may be able to achieve a softer, smoother complexion and fewer signs of aging quicker than traditional treatments. After your IPL session, it’s important to wear sunscreen on a daily basis and avoid sun exposure in order to protect your new glowing skin. 

The team at Elan Skin can help you discover whether IPL therapy is right for you based on your individual needs and desired results. For best results, it’s recommended that you follow up with a series of treatments for long-lasting effects and maximum improvement in the appearance of dark spots on your skin.


2. Fractional Resurfacing

Lasers have varying usages in skin care. Lasers can be used to target dirt, oil, pore size, scarring, pigmentation issues and as an instrument for smoothing skin. 

Lasers vary in intensity and can be used to aggressively target areas of concern or approach with a lighter touch. For these reasons, lasers are a common tool used for skin care issues. Elan Skin provides a number of laser services, ranging in desired outcomes and intensity. 

Fractional resurfacing is exceptional in reducing excess pigmentation, acne, scars, and surface imperfections or can be used more aggressively against more developed wrinkles, smoker’s lines, and other advanced skin issues.

We would recommend that you book a consultation as a first step to learn if fractional resurfacing is right for you. The downtime on this service can be up to 5-7 days, but the results are worth it!

3. Chemical peels

Chemical peels can be an excellent choice for those looking for a way to rejuvenate their skin. The primary focus of this procedure is to apply a predefined regimen of chemical solutions to remove dry or damaged skin cells and reveal the new, healthy skin cells underneath.

Peels can help diminish the signs of aging, such as dark spots from sun damage. Chemical peels come in various formulations that are customized to target specific skin issues and they can be used on the face, chest, hands and more.

With each chemical peel session, patients will experience beautifully smoother and brighter skin with minimized blemishes. Different depths of chemical peels also mean that there are various levels of downtime associated with treatments. Consulting with our trained skin professionals is highly recommended in order to create an optimal regimen that’s tailored to your individual needs and recovery expectations.

Elan Skin provides a wide range of peel options. We offer:

  • Light peels for superficial peeling, often involving no down time.
  • Moderate peels that may result in 2–5 days of gentle sloughing, which can easily be managed with extra moisturizer and can be covered with makeup and
  • Intense peels, which offer more dramatic results, but may involve more visible peeling and sloughing for 5–7 days or more.

To determine which peel best suits your individual skin care needs, we recommend consulting with one of our aestheticians.

4. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a specialized skin treatment that offers many benefits for achieving beautiful skin.

Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive cosmetic procedure in which the top layer of skin is removed to rejuvenate and promote new, healthy skin growth. We believe microdermabrasion is one of the best ways to protect your skin, particularly during summer months.

This treatment can be helpful for improving light scarring, discoloration, sun damage and even stretch marks.

  • The removal of dead, dull, sun-drenched skin
  • There is no increased sun sensitivity from treatment
  • Provides instant glow and primes skin for even makeup application
  • Preps skin to receive deeper hydration from masks and moisturizers

With regular treatment every few weeks, you will begin seeing visible results in no time!

5. LED light therapy

If you’re looking for a simple yet effective way to improve your skin’s glow and treat any existing skin issues, LED light therapy is definitely worth considering.

LED Light Therapy is a painless, non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses narrow band, non-thermal LED light to accelerate rejuvenation and repair skin cells. It’s a popular treatment due to its broad usage for improving sun damage, acne, dermatitis, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and general skin radiance. LED light therapy is becoming increasingly popular due to its many benefits.

LED Light therapy is great for all skin types and can be an effective treatment for a wide variety of skin-related issues. It can be used to treat numerous skin concerns, such as acne, sun damage, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. People who receive LED light therapy report improved skin tone, texture, elasticity and firmness.

Expect to see a decrease in the appearance of skin pigment and vessels and a more even skin tone. Results will progress over days/weeks after treatment. We offer two options for light therapy at Elan.

Whether your focus is on eliminating dark spots or minimizing wrinkles, LED light therapy could be your ideal solution for youthful-looking skin!

6. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to reduce dark spots on skin

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an innovative, minimally invasive procedure that can help reduce dark spots on the skin.

By using your body’s own platelets, PRP therapy can offer improved skin tone, texture, and circulation. This versatile procedure is also used for hair growth, brighten the under-eye area, soften scarring, and yield soft, supple skin.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) utilizes an increased concentration of autologous platelets suspended in a small amount of plasma. This highly concentrated plasma contains several natural growth factors (over 30 bioactive proteins) that can be injected into skin to promote collagen production and repair damaged tissue. PRP has commonly been used on athletes to speed up healing and has gained its reputation as liquid gold with research backing to show improvement in fine lines and wrinkles, hair loss, texture and scarring. 

During your appointment, your blood will be drawn and then put through a centrifuge process to isolate platelet-rich plasma. This PRP is then injected into the treatment area, where it activates a natural healing process that helps reduce dark spots while stimulating collagen production to leave behind smooth and even skin. Typically, PRP involves 4-6 sessions and maximum effects are usually seen after 6 to 9 months.

These are just a few of the many skin resurfacing treatments that can help you achieve your desired results. Depending on your specific goals, our team at Elan Skin will create a custom treatment plan tailored to you. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to better skin, we invite you to contact us today. Our experienced staff members will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have or assist you in booking an appointment.

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