What Is My Skin Type?

Most of us don’t think much about our skin type until our teenage years, and some never consider it at all. However, if you want to maximize your skin’s appearance and enhance your skin care routine, you’ll need to know your type. Not only will this help you look your best today, but it is downright critical for any anti-aging steps you might want to take.

Keep in mind that your skin can also change over time. Hormones, age, and environment can all play a part in the state of your skin.

Here’s a quick look at the various skin types and how to determine what yours is.


Most people with oily skin find this fairly easy to identify. Some common signs include:

  • Excess shine or greasy appearance
  • Large pores, often clogged/ blackheads
  • Persistent acne or skin breakouts
  • Skin that seems “thicker” or rougher

Skin care tips: Your main goal is probably to control the amount of shine you have. To do this, wash your face regularly with a gentle cleanser and look for products that won’t clog your pores.


Like oily skin, dry skin tends to be simple to spot. Common signs of dry skin include:

  • Tight or pinched “feel” to skin
  • Flaky or red patches on skin
  • Dull complexion
  • More visible fine lines as your skin is less elastic

Skin care tips: Keeping your skin hydrated is essential. Seal in as much moisture as you can with by avoiding harsh products and applying a high quality moisturizer at least twice a day.


If you are having trouble identifying your skin care type, it may be a combination. Are you oily in some places (like the T-zone) but dry in others (cheeks)? If so, you may have a combo skin type. Signs include:

  • You have both oily and dry places
  • You experience dry skin and breakouts at same time
  • Your pores (especially on nose) are larger and more open

Skin care tips: Because your skin has multiple things going on at the same time, you’ll want to strike a balance in the products and regime you use. Choose drying products for your oilier zones and more hydrating ones for the drier areas.


If your skin tends to react strongly every time you try new products, you might have sensitive skin. Signs for this include:

  • Frequent rashes or bumps
  • Itching
  • Stinging or burning sensation after using new products
  • Dry patches

Skin care tips: Obviously, the main objective for sensitive skin is to prevent it from getting irritated. Finding out your skin’s triggers is critical. From fragrance to cosmetics, you’ll want to identify what causes reactions and avoid those products. Look for products with fewer ingredients and calming properties to keep your skin subdued and happy.


If none of the above skin types sound like you and you don’t tend to have many (or any!) skin care issues, you may be one of the lucky few with normal skin.

Skin care tips: Honestly, if your skin is normal, you can have fun trying all the new products and treatments to see what you enjoy the most and bring you the best results.

Has your skin type changed over the years? Not seeing the kind of results you want from your current skin care regime? At Elan, we help our clients determine their skin type and how best to work with it. From a daily skin care routine to customized treatments for specific skin issues, we work with hundreds of people to create healthier skin.

Contact Elan today at 615-814-4999 and schedule your free consultation.




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