What is the Success Rate for PRP Hair Restoration?

Hair loss or thinning can be the result of inheritance, biological changes inside the body, or just part of the aging process.

While many people still associate hair loss and balding with men, the truth is it happens to women as well. Regardless, the experience can be traumatic, causing many to seek out a workable solution to regrow their hair and maintain hair growth in the future.

Numerous studies suggest that gradual thinning on top of the head is the most common type of balding. For men, balding usually starts to recede at the hairline. In contrast, women commonly have thinning where their hair is divided down the middle of their head.

While some wish to let balding go untreated and while others may conceal the condition with wigs, sprays and dyes, or scarves, solutions to hair loss or thinning are potentially available. One such possible solution now available is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) hair restoration.

What is PRP Hair Restoration

Thankfully, there is a relatively new treatment for hair thinning called PRP for those who wish to seek treatment. PRP Hair Restoration stands for platelet-rich plasma and works by utilizing a patient’s blood.
PRP promotes the growth of skin cells atop the head and has been used to treat numerous issues like arthritis and balding. The advantage for those with issues with hair thinning or balding is that with PRP treatments hair growth is safe and natural.

In 2014, researches in India released a study indicating that men who had 4 treatments of PRP showed signs of 30% more hair growth in thinning areas.

A more recent review examined 19 separate studies on PRP and concluded, “the majority demonstrated that platelet-rich plasma produced successful hair growth.”

The PRP Hair Restoration Process

There is a multipart process for PRP. It all begins with blood drawing from a patient’s arm. Following the drawing of blood, it is placed in a centrifuge. This device spins the blood quickly to separate the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma is what the service provider wants most. Once the plasma is gathered, the nurse injects it into the scalp.

Is This process Right For You?

The process may sound unique, particularly for an issue such as hair thinning., However, there are numerous studies that support the success of PRP and there are currently no known risks associated with this treatment. Your own blood is used to stimulate your own scalp. Most people find the experience pain free, even during the injections. However, bruising can occur but usually resolves itself quickly.

Almost anyone struggling with hair thinning or balding is an excellent applicant for PRP with research showing those with early signs of balding react best to treatment. PRP also is recommended for those with hair thinning atop of the head.

If you would like to learn more about this process, contact us today to speak with one of our expert service providers or schedule a free consultation.

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